Endpoint Service Definitions

An Endpoint Service Definition (short Service Definition or Endpoint) describes a webservice under test in APIJockey TEST. Endpoints help you configure URLs and - in the best case - document the webservice to derive your test cases-

There are two types of Endpoints available:

  • WSDL Definition for SOAP services
  • Manual HTTP Service definition for all HTTP based webservices

The documentation/definition degree varies strongly for these two types of Service Definitions, and we work continuously on enhancing Endpoint Definitions for non-SOAP webservices. Endpoint definitions are the base for Run Environment specific settings (specific URLs and authentication for webservices on test environments). This is described in Run Environment

Definition contents overview

Information type WSDL Endpoint definition support Manual HTTP Endpoint definition support
Authentication May be part of the WSDL Policy, must be configured manually Must be configured manually
Methods and parameters
Validations XML document and schema validation

Service Definition View

The service definition view appears in the view group Declaration

screenshot view group delaration

Manual HTTP Service Definition contents

screenshot view service definition with Manual HTTP Service definition selection

The service definition view contains a sidebar to manage service definitions and a content view to view and update its properties

  • New Manual HTTP Service definition creates a new service definition, where you can configure the list display name and the base host URL information. While this information is limited by itself, it will help you configure authentication and url information for different Run Environments
  • New WSDL Service Definition creates a new service definition and downloads, when configured the WSDL from a URL. This helps you inspect types, service methods and parameters AND is the base in the Test definition step Create a SOAP Teststep
  • Update selected service definition with remote WSDL information will update your information stored in APIJockey TEST with the information stored in the url
  • #
  • rename service definition lets you update the display list name of the selected service without changing any other properties
  • delete selected service definition(s) will remove these service definitions. Existing test steps will continue to exist but lose the reference. You may update existing test steps later with new service definitions, but we want to clarify that this a manual process.
  • base host url is essential for HTTP services (pure HTTP, based on REST architecture...) and allows you to configure your test step with adding route and query information on the base host url

WSDL Service Definition contents

screenshot view service definition with WSDL Service definition selection

When you work with SOAP services you will receive a URL to download the WSDL. This is the XML based service definition. They often consist of several XML files that imported or included hierarchically with base definitions.

  • URL the WSDL url, which often is the SOAP service URL appended by ?wsdl.
  • Textview display the top wsdl file content of the definition. This file contains the exposed services, services messages and references types for these messages. This information is used when you create a SOAP Teststep.
  • types is another tab next to Textview and appears when the base WSDL file imports or includes further XSD-files. Each file will have a list entry with its contents

screenshot view service definition with WSDL Service definition selection