Create a RandomizedValuelist Teststep

Takes a CSV file as input and randomizes data in this file to provide variables values.

Prerequisites to create a Teststep

Steps to create a RandomizedValuelist Teststep

The RandomizedValuelist Teststep expects a CSV file as input. You will find a sample walkthrough in Steps to create a CSV file with Apple® Numbers

Select the button create new RandomizedValuelist Teststep

Screenshot with button create new RandomizedValuelistTeststep

This opens a dialog that allows you to enter the name of the teststep. You can choose to enter this name at any point later in time.

Dialog create new RandomizedValuelistTeststep with name

When you confirm with OK the dialog disappears and creates a new entry in the teststep list.

When you select the new teststep, the RandomizedValuelist Teststep editor opens. See details to configure the randomized list value in Randomizedvaluelist Teststep View

If you have a CSV file that you want to import, you may want to Create a manual RandomizedValuelist Teststep

Steps to create a CSV file with Apple® Numbers

This short tutorial demonstrates a very basic CSV file that serves as input. It provides a small set of contact information. We assume we have a limited set of data and would like to create randomized combination of the data. e.g. Column 1 - Row 1 with Column 2 Row 7....

sample CSV file with basic contact information

We created our limited test data in Apple® Numbers,but it does not really matter, what source the CSV is created from. We cover Apple® Numbers here to show how this can done.

Export the table

  • Select the menu File
  • Select the menu item Export To
  • Select the sub menu item CSV...
File - Export- Menu for Numbers

This opens a two steps wizard that allows you to customize export settings.

  • Choose CSV
  • Keep include table names unchecked
  • Under Advanced Options make sure, Unicode (UTF-8) is selected
  • Click Next...
choose CSV as destination export format

Select your favorite destination folder. In the screenshot, this is the personal download folder.

choose downloads folder as destination export location

When you open Finder you will find the CSV file in the folder downloads.