APIJockey TEST Online Help

APIJockey TEST will help you assess and verify web services responses and automate this assessment.

Important features

  • Import and view WSDL definitions
  • Run data-based Testcases
  • A full featured WSDL schema validation
  • MTOM-Support for SOAP request and SOAP response
  • Syntax Highlighting for XML, JSONPath and JSON
  • Randomized value lists and data type specific ranges
  • Data transfer with XPath, XQuery and JSONPath
  • Assertions with XPath and JSONPath
  • Business test friendly assertion support to reduce detailed knowledge about query-languages like XPath and JSONPath
  • Variables support for requests, urls, XPath, JSONPath and XQuery expressions
  • Run Environment support to centralize authentication and URL-information
  • Instant Test runs
  • Persist test executions with comprehensive storage of test step details
  • Backup and share repository snapshots (requires Sign-in and a paying subscription).

Release information

What's new

We introduce a cloud-based - paying - solution to Backup and share your Repositories

We extended the WSDL import handler to support import of WSDL definitions within a WSDL. Example:

XML tree editors allow you to select variables as element contents

Release Notes

See changes in the Release Notes

Content of this help

Conceptual Overviews
Create Teststeps
List Views
Teststep Views
